The word aprendiste is the preterite form of aprender in the second person singular. See the full aprender conjugation. Tienes que aprenderte los pasos del baile. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Feb 8, 2017 - English Translation, Synonyms, Definitions and Usage Examples of Spanish Word 'aprendiste'. La Autoridad del Creyente: Lo que no aprendiste em la iglesia (Believer's Authority) (Spanish Edition) (Spanish). Descubre las poderosas verdades encerradas en la verdadera autoridad espiritual y empieza a ver verdaderos resultados. The Amazon Book Review Author interviews, book reviews, editors' picks, and more. Read it now Customers who.
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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
did you learn
taught you
you learned you've learned you learnt
aprendiste a hacer126
Where did you learn such horrible thing?
How did you learn so much about these?
What did you learn, Master Aladdin?
Qué aprendiste durante tu semanita de vacaciones?
I see you picked up some bad habits.
Lo mismo que tú aprendiste a explicármelo todo..
The same way that you learned to explain everything to me..
~ But then you learned to drive in America.
You'd think you would've learned your lesson.
One day, you'll have to tell me how you learned that.
Suerte que aprendiste la lección sin demasiado daño.
A man's lucky if he can learn a lesson without doing too much harm.
I'm amazed that you're getting this so quick.
Pero estás olvidando algo mucho más importante que aprendiste hoy.
But you're forgetting you learned something else today much more important.
You went to Paris and learned from Monsieur Cartailhac.
So, you've learned to be selfish.

Well, then maybe you didn't learn a thing.
Y aprendiste a lanzarme manzanas desde el malecón.
And you learned how to pitch apples at me from over the seawall.
Creo que aprendiste algo importante después de todo.
I think I learned something important desp? is everything.
A Ver Que Aprendiste
You never learned how to tell a good story.
So you learned how to work a spell.
Parece que aprendiste tú primera lección del Darién.
Looks like you discerned your first lesson of the Darien, Connor.
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